Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Methods Practice 1


-praise the name of the Lord
-stand and speak, then end in the name of Jesus
-2 white shirts, long sleeves
-singing, who chose the song?
-more singing prep for what? music, tapping feet
-gestured to sign and read
-posture, hands back and for the, son held book back and forth
-mom kept playing music
-blue tassels
-head down at the end of reading, said a prayer, closed eyes
-talked about story of friends
-do I make eye contact? son turned to him as he talked then turned to us to speak in English
-women turned slightly
-“sound come to god’s thrown”
-He stopped to try to get the right word in English
-hands open, closed, did make eye contact with wife but only briefly held it with us
-story, my friend laughed, okay to chuckle a little?
-dad corrected son, does he speak English? well enough to do the service in English?
-I was sitting back, should I sit formal?
-does mom always play music in the background or does the daughter too?
-when we start to have light we can see between truth and dark…does this light compare to the Spirit?
-lots of dried flowers, vases, nice china on the walls as decor
-kept one hand in pocket and wouldn’t make eye contact
-3 guitars, leather chairs, wood table with tile
-huh, eyebrows raised when son didn’t’ understand dad
-my friend and I have our legs crossed, mom and daughter don’t???
-asked us a question
-different’ view of story of Isaac then we have
-3 death, life and resurrection
-looked around walls, are they aware of time?
-my eyes, look must have been confusing, didn’t mean it
-hot, afraid to offend, not wearing sleeves, kept jacket on
-mom laughed and looked at me and raised eyes as dad made joke
-amen, son, amen
-praise the lord, stand, bow heads, hold hands
-handshake with dad and son
-mom thanked me for coming, daughter said praise the Lord when I hugged her. I said it too.
-dad sit and talked with us while mom and children put food on the table, visit?, help?
-ice tongs, was afraid to try.


When I first arrived I was unsure of what I should do to enter the house. I was late and if I were to knock I would have interrupted the service. However, if I was to walk in not being a good friend of the family I was afraid that would also be offensive. I decided to lightly tap and then open the door.

As I entered I saw the mother and daughter sitting in chairs playing classical guitars. The father was seated on one couch singing. The son was standing and he would call out the next hymn number we were to sing. My friend as well was seated, on a different couch. I sat next to her and began to sing.

The hymn books they were using were spirally bound with only a plastic cover to protect the pages. Hymns were typed in columns of two going down each side of the page. There was only print, no notes to follow. Many times the stanzas were marked to repeat that verse or the chorus. I found it easy enough to read the words and follow along. The mother had a beautiful voice and she sang the melody. My friend seemed to be making up a harmony. The father’s foot was taping occasionally to the beat.

Both the mother and the daughter were wearing white. One a blouse and the other more of a sweater. Both of them had long sleeves. As well bother were wearing a skirt past their knees. The father and son were wearing dress pants and button up colored dress shirts. They had nice Sunday shoes on as well.

During one part while singing the dogs in back of the house started to bark. The son went and closed the door. After singing a variety of songs, about 5 songs the son asked if anyone wanted to praise the name “of the Lord.” We all stood. There was a brief moment of silence. The father bowed his head and said how he wanted to thank the Lord. Everyone had their hands together in front. We all bowed our heads and closed our eyes. When he ended he closed in name of Jesus Christ.

We all took out our bibles and took turns reading verses together, while standing. When we were done reading we sat down. The father stood up to address us. His son was standing as well. The father spoke in Brazilian and the son translated. As he talked the father gestured with his hands. The son held one hand in his pocket and held the bible in the other. He would look to him when his father talked and then turn to us when he was translating what his father said.

We were able to volunteer to read. As I read I felt my voice was being too loud. When the others had read it was slow and quiet. The mother was playing the guitar quietly in the background. I tried to lower my voice more to match the atmosphere.

The dad related a lot of stories that were the same stories I've heard from the bible but his story had a differnt angle.

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